Hard linking/cascading of OGSMs

In hard-linked OGSMs, a strategy at the highest level automatically becomes the objective of a subordinate OGSM. The indicators become the goals, and the actions become the strategies. The figure below illustrates how this works for an OGSM for programs and projects.

In hard-linked OGSMs, any change in an OGSM is automatically translated to the lower or higher level.

In OGSM.online, you can establish this link in two ways:

  1. From top to bottom
  2. From bottom to top

Linking from top to bottom

We start in the higher-level OGSM and use the example from the figure above. We create a new OGSM for Program A and add this strategy as an objective to an OGSM.

  • Create a new OGSM for Program A. Keep the OGSM empty.
  • Go to the higher-level OGSM and click on the strategy ‘Program A’.
  • Under ‘Visibility in OGSMs’, click on the link ‘Add link’.
  • Select the type ‘Objective’ and choose the OGSM. Note: You can only select empty OGSMs.
  • Click ‘Save’.

The strategy is now linked to the OGSM. Any changes will be synchronized.

Linking from bottom to top

You can also start with the OGSM of the program and then add it as a strategy to a higher-level OGSM.

  • Click on the objective of the lower-level OGSM.
  • Select the higher-level OGSM.
  • Under ‘Visibility in OGSMs’, click on the link ‘Add link’.
  • Select the type ‘Strategy’ and choose the higher-level OGSM.
  • Click ‘Save’.

The OGSM is now linked to the higher-level OGSM. Any changes will be synchronized.

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