Displaying actions in multiple OGSMs

It is possible to display an action in multiple OGSMs. In practice, there are two methods:

  • Displaying the action (or a sub-action) as an action in another OGSM. This way, as management team, you can monitor an important action from a department on your own OGSM.
  • Adding the action as a strategy in another OGSM. For example, you can further develop a project in a underlying OGSM with KPIs and actions.

In both situations, changes to the action are visible in all locations.

Show action (or sub-action) in another OGSM

  • Open the action.
  • Click on 'Add link' under the heading 'Visibility in OGSMs'.

  • Select the type 'Action'.
  • Select the strategy where the action should be visible. You will see a list of the strategies in all OGSMs that you have access to as a user. Therefore, you cannot add an action to OGSMs that you do not have access to. You can also search for the name of the strategie in this field.
  • Click on 'Save'. The action is now visible in the selected OGSM.

Add action as a strategy to other OGSMs

  • Open the action.
  • Click on 'Add link' under the heading 'Visibility in OGSMs'.

  • Select the type 'Strategy'.
  • Select the OGSM where the action should be visible as a strategy. You will see a list of the OGSMs that you have access to as a user. You cannot add actions to OGSMs that you do not have access to. You can also search by the name of the OGSM in this field.
  • Click on 'Save'. The action is now visible in the selected OGSM.

Remove linked actions

When an action is removed, it is deleted from all OGSMs where it is visible.

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