Displaying goals and KPIs in multiple OGSMs

It is possible to display a goal or kpi in multiple OGSMs. This reduces double administration.

  • Open the goal/KPI.
  • Click on the button 'Visibility in OGSMs' on 'Add link'.

  • Select the type 'Goal' or 'KPI'.
    • Goal: Select the OGSM to which you want to add the item.
    • KPI: Select the strategy in which you want to add the KPI.
    • You will see a list of the OGSMs that you as a user have access to for both options. Therefore, you cannot add a goal/KPI to OGSMs that you do not have access to. You can also search by the name of the OGSM or strategy in this field.
  • Click on 'Save'. The goal/KPI is now visible in the selected OGSM.

Removing linked goals/KPIs

When deleting a goal/KPI, it will be removed from all OGSMs where it is visible.

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