Monitor the status of preparation

Monitoring the status of preparation

In preparation for the action and strategy reviews, the action and strategy owners must report on progress and results. As a process owner, you can easily monitor the status of these reports.

The 'Process status' overview is not yet available in every environment. Contact your administrator or contact person if you have questions about this.

  • Go to the 'Process status' page.

  • Select the OGSMs whose status you want to view.

  • On the page, you now see information about the upcoming session.

Status of the action review

For the action review, you see the status of the actions. You can see the number of actions marked green, amber, and red, and the number of actions without a progress report. The system looks at the progress reports from the last 30 days or since the last session.

  • Click on the 'View items without report' link to see which actions do not have a current progress report.

Status of the strategy review

For the strategy review you see the status of the strategies, indicators, and actions. For the strategies, the system looks at the progress reports from the past 90 days or since the previous strategy review.

  • Click on the 'View items without report' link to see which strategies, indicators, or actions do not have a current progress report.

Are we improving?

On the 'Process status' page, there is a chart titled 'Currency of the reports'. The chart shows the team's preparation quality per month. It displays the percentage of items with a current progress report or measurement.

  • Strategies and indicators: A progress report or measurement is current if it has been added after the last adjust session or less than 90 days ago.
  • Actions: A progress report is current if it has been added after the last act session or less than 30 days ago.

This chart helps you monitor whether you are getting better at keeping track of progress and results.


In this section, you see the scheduled act and adjust sessions. The team's administrator can schedule these sessions.

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