
The page 'Strategies' is not yet available in every environment. Contact your administrator or contact person if you have questions about this.

Here you see the overview of the strategies. There are two views: the overview display and the list display.


Here you see the relationships between the strategies in the organization. A user sees the title of a strategy only if they have access to the OGSM.

The overview shows only the strategies of active OGSMs by default. Through the menu, you can also display draft OGSMs in the overview.


In the list view, you see the strategies of one or more OGSMs in a table. You can select which OGSMs you want to see.

Editing fields

Click on a part of a strategy to edit it. This way, you can easily adjust the title, for example.

If you click outside the field, your changes are automatically saved.

Editing multiple strategies

You can easily add a label to multiple strategies or change the owner.

  • Select the strategies you want to edit.
  • Choose in the menu what you want to change.
    • Team and OGSM: Move the strategies to another OGSM.
    • Labels: Add labels.
    • Owner: Change the owner.

Filtering and sorting

Use the buttons in the menu to filter the overview or sort it differently.

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