
This is the overview of the actions.

The actions are listed in different columns. By default, these columns are:

  • Icebox: you may want to perform these actions in the future.
  • To do: You want to perform these actions in the future.
  • Busy: These actions are currently in progress.
  • Done: These actions have been completed.

With an action you will see:
  • The title of the action.
  • The status of the action: green, orange, red.
  • Labels added to the action.
  • The start date of the action. If the start date is in the past and the action has not yet started, it will be red.
  • The deadline of the action. If the deadline is in the past and the action has not yet been completed, it will be displayed in red.If the action has the status 'Icebox' or 'To do': the start date of the action
  • The owner of the indicator.
  • The progress in the form of a bar from 0 to 100 percent.

View and edit details of an action

  • Click an item to view and/or edit the details.

As the 'Administrator' of the team or owner of the item, you can edit it. All members of the team (except "Viewers") can comment on the item.

Drag actions to another column

  • Move the pointer over an action.
  • Hold down the mouse button. Drag the action to the desired column and release the mouse button.

Toolbar: view and filter


Click on 'Display' in the toolbar and select the desired view:

  • Columns: The actions are grouped by 'status' in columns.
  • Timeline: The actions are placed on a timeline, giving you quick insight into the planning.
  • List: The actions are listed in a table, where you can edit multiple actions at once.


This allows you to quickly get an overview of, for example, 'My Actions' or 'Actions on amber or red'. You can also create your own bookmark. First set the filters, grouping, and sorting, and then click on 'Save current view'.


This allows you to filter the results. For example, you can get an overview of all actions by a certain owner or with certain words in the title.

If a filter is active, you will see it in the toolbar. Click on the cross to remove all filters.

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