Edit indicator
Only the team's 'Administrator' or the owner of the indicator can edit it.
- Click the indicator to open it.
- Click a field to edit the indicator.
- You will see the following fields:
- Title: this is the title of the indicator. The title is visible in the overview of the OGSM.
- Tags: Optionally, select a tag to add it to the indicator. Note: the indicator can automatically be found on the tags of the strategy to which the indicator is linked. You don't need to add it here again.
- Strategies: here you can see the strategies to which the indicator is linked. You can link the indicator to multiple strategies, also in other OGSMs.
- Description: here you can give a short explanation of the indicator.
- Target date: this is the date on which the target value of the indicator must be achieved.
- Target value unit: this is the target value unit, eg: % or EUR.
- Owner: this is the person responsible for the indicator.
- Click 'Save' to save the changes.