Single Sign On with Entra ID (Azure AD)

It is possible to connect the online platform to Entra ID (the new name for Azure Active Directory). This allows users to log in with their Microsoft account. This connection can be realized in two different ways:

  1. Connection using the Toolsfactory application from the Microsoft Entra gallery.
  2. Connection using a self-created Entra application, where a new client-secret has to be created every year.

The first option is the easiest to set up and has the lowest chance of problems. In the second option, part of the responsibility lies with the customer, for example, Toolsfactory cannot generate a new client secret if logging in stops working.

Using the Toolsfactory application from Microsoft Entra Gallery

The only thing that needs to be provided is the so-called "Tenant-id". This can be found, among other things, by visiting the Entra management center at and then choosing "Overview" on the left. Check if the correct Azure tenant name is displayed and send the corresponding "Tenant-id" to Toolsfactory.

After the first user has used the SSO login, the application will appear in the Entra management environment and settings such as which users are allowed to log in can be configured.

Create app in Entra

The use of this method is discouraged because Toolsfactory does not have visibility on the expiration date of the client secret, causing users to unexpectedly be unable to log in when the client secret expires.

Please contact Toolsfactory ( if you need help with creating an Entra app yourself.

We will create the connection in our platform.

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